“Before LASIK, I couldn’t see the largest letter on the eye test. Now I’m 20/20.”

James Foshie
Greeneville, TN
There was never any doubt that James Foshie needed vision correction. The problem was that, as a firefighter, both contacts and glasses presented problems.
“Contacts dried out my eyes—especially in a smoky environment. Glasses were better, but weren’t an option with an air mask. I was kind of stuck until I had LASIK.”
Even when he’s not on duty as a firefighter, James appreciates the difference LASIK® has made in his life. “I spend a lot of time outdoors,” he says. “I have a second job in public works which is pretty much outside. I also golf and take walks with my wife, Kimberly and our lab, Ariel. It seemed that every time I stepped out the door my allergies bothered my contacts. I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
Of course, the biggest difference LASIK has made is in the major improvement in his eyesight. “Colors are more vivid and my vision is much crisper,” he says. “And I love being able to get up every day, open my eyes and see clearly right from the get-go.”
“LASIK has changed my whole lifestyle,” says James. I’ve talked to many friends who have had the procedure and the only regret I ever hear is that they wish they had had it sooner.”

For information on LASIK
or to schedule a Free Consultation:
(865) 588-3937
Office Hours: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Monday Through Friday
Email: infolasik@ccteyes.com
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