“I like eyes. I think it’s the most interesting part of the body.”
Without a doubt, Dr. C. Allyn Hildebrand has made the right career choice. A Doctor of Optometry at the Campbell Cunningham Laser Center since 1991, Dr. Hildebrand estimates that he has seen over 15,000 refractive surgery patients. That’s a lot of eyes!
“I love the patients,” he says. “I know it sounds cliché, but I love patient interaction and I like helping people see better. You can do a lot of tangible good, day in and day out, in eye care.”
Dr. Hildebrand did his undergrad work at the University of Memphis (then known as Memphis State University). “I thought about medical school and was fascinated with surgery,” he says. “I was lucky enough to become First Assistant in the Surgery Center at Memphis State, working in surgical procedures such as open heart, orthopedic, abdominal and plastics.”
“I quickly developed a love for the medical field and wanted to find my place in helping people,” Hildebrand goes on to say. It was around that time that Dr. Hildebrand discovered his special interest in the field of eye care. “It’s that tangible gratification I was after,” he says. “Once I entered the field, I really liked what I could do and Optometry was something I grew to love.”
“I do nearly all of the post-op and pre-operative care for patients here at Campbell Cunningham Laser Center,” Hildebrand says. “I also do primary eye care, including general eye exams, glasses and contacts, eye health and I also manage and treat dry eyes, glaucoma, diabetic and other eye diseases.”
Every patient is special to Dr. Hildebrand. But, those with particularly challenging experiences with corrective lenses can be even more rewarding. “For me, it’s patients who have had an incredibly bad experience in wearing contacts due to dry eyes. They are at the end of the line when it comes to alternatives for glasses. In many cases, LASIK is the answer they are looking for.”
Dr. Hildebrand points to Intralase or Blade-Free LASIK, as a groundbreaking procedure made possible by advancements in software development. “It does a great job and increases the safety factor,” he says. “The flap is consistent and affordable and it also allows us to better predict outcomes.”
What brought Dr. Hildebrand to Knoxville and the Campbell Cunningham Laser Center? “It was the opportunity to work with the best surgeons in the region,” he says. “I have particularly enjoyed my relationships with Drs. Campbell and Cunningham as well as what I believe to be the most qualified and experienced staff in the area. We have great employees here who are knowledgeable, experienced and are a pleasure to be around.”
When Dr. Hildebrand isn’t caring for eyes, he enjoys outdoor activities including hiking in the Smokies. Along with Dr. Cunningham, he hiked Mt. Ranier and Mr. Everest. Dr. Hildebrand also enjoys running and music and working with Lion’s Care and Rescue Mission. He and his wife Lisa have two children, Sara and Austen.

For information on LASIK
or to schedule a Free Consultation:
(865) 588-3937
Office Hours: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Monday Through Friday
Email: infolasik@ccteyes.com
Online Candidacy Test:
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Memphis State University, Memphis, TN
Medical School
Doctor of Optometry
Southern College of Optometry
Memphis, TN
Contact Lens
Refractive Surgery Consultation of the Eye
Ocular Disease
Management and Treatment
1989 National Board of Optometry
1989 Board Certified in Treatment and Management of Ocular Disease
American Optometric Association
AOA Contact Lens Section
Tennessee Optometric Association
Southern Council of Optometrists
East Tennessee Optometric Society
Vice President, 1995-96
President, 1996-97
Who’s Who in American Colleges
Beta Sigma Kappa
Honor Fraternity Senior Class Valedictorian