“Going the LASIK route just seemed like a no-brainer to me. My life would clearly improve…”

Josh Ward
Knoxville, TN
Radio personality Josh Ward of Sports Animal, WNML in Knoxville, leads a very active life. He didn’t want glasses or contact lenses holding him back, so he chose LASIK vision correction from Campbell Cunningham Laser Center. If you’ve ever listened to Josh, you know you will get a good description of the sporting events of the day. You’ll get the same description of his experience with LASIK at the Campbell Cunningham Laser Center.So we’ll let him share his story, in his own words:And if you’d like to know if LASIK vision correction is right for you, the first step is to schedule a Free Consultation. You can schedule a time online by clicking here. Our staff will walk you through the LASIK procedure and help you with scheduling and even help you apply for financing.

For information on LASIK
or to schedule a Free Consultation:
(865) 588-3937
Office Hours: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Monday Through Friday
Email: infolasik@ccteyes.com
Online Candidacy Test:
Click Here!