“The day I realized I didn’t need my glasses anymore was a big day for me.”

Gina Haas
Knoxville, TN
Local marketing representative, mom and former radio personality Gina Haas decided years of wearing glasses and contacts were enough. Gina had an extremely near-sighted vision condition and had worn glasses since kindergarten.She began researching LASIK® immediately after it became available. “When you live your life without being able to see clearly and then something gives you hope, you sure find out what it is,” she explains. After her procedure at the Campbell Cunningham Laser Center, she reports vision of 20/20 in both eyes:“I didn’t know what that meant,” she admits. “I’d never experienced it. Even with glasses and contacts I didn’t see 20/20. I had never seen anything without glasses or contacts. The feeling of fear when you wake up and cannot see was gone for me.”

For information on LASIK
or to schedule a Free Consultation:
(865) 588-3937
Office Hours: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Monday Through Friday
Email: infolasik@ccteyes.com
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