Title: Certified Surgical Technician
Job Duties: I will see every patient who has LASIK during their post-operative procedures (and sometimes during pre-op).
Years of Service: 1.5
What is your work philosophy?: I like helping people. I enjoy working with people and I believe it is important to enjoy what you do.
Why do you love your job?: I used to work in surgery for a large area hospital. I never got to know our patients. They were asleep when they came in and they were asleep when they left. Here, I get to know our patients and I enjoy that personal relationship.
Tell us more: I come from a family with a strong military background. For example, my father was in the military. Here at the Campbell Cunningham Laser Center, we see a lot of patients who are in the military. It’s nice to be able to help them and to feel like, in a small way, we are helping them.