Title: Certified Ophthalmic Technician and Laser Technician
Job Duties: On days we perform LASIK, I prepare and set up the laser room. I start the lasers and, also, I assist with the procedures. Also, I keep the laser room stocked with supplies and I make sure the machines are properly maintained.
Years of Service: 16
What is your work philosophy?: I strive to do everything I can to give our patients the best possible LASIK experience. I want our LASIK patients to know that we do everything we can to take care of them inside and outside the laser room. That’s what we are here for.
Why do you love your job?: I love seeing the positive results for our patients. I had LASIK myself a few years ago so I know how great it is and what wonderful experiences are patients are having.
Tell us more: One of the things I like to do is to walk the patients through what will be happening and why things are done. It helps them to be more relaxed if they know what to expect.